Books & Reference
Tazkirat ul Aulia QasasUlAulia
Tazkira Auliyah e Pak o Hind کرامات اولیاء_Karamat e Auliya تذکرۃ الاولیاء
NWT Audio Holy Bible
NWT of the Holy Scriptures in French Spanish and English Bilingual Audio Bible
Theological Dictionary
Theological Dictionary offline with thousand of words and terms about Theology
The most “accurate” and “authoritative” Bible translated into Korean. Christians should read the “King James Bible in Korean”!
Onleihe 3.0
The Onleihe - the free service of your library now also as an app.
Learn Buddhism
Explore Lord Buddha’s teachings thru Suttas & Translations.
Dubai Library – مكتبة دبي
Dubai Culture & Arts Authority
Promesas Bíblicas Diarias
Biblical promises to download and share on social networks
Santa Biblia Straubinger
Holy Catholic Bible, commented by the Catholic priest Johannes Straubinger
NovelPal - WebNovel & Fiction
A Romance Novel Reading App, Werewolf & Fantasy Stories & More Romantic Stories!
Spiritual Quotes - Daily
Daily Spiritual Quotes from Buddha, Thich Nhat Hanh, Paramahansa Yoganand & more
두플러스 - 복음을 읽는 새로운 습관
A new habit of reading the gospel
ماجدولين (تحت ظلال الزيزفون)
Alfa and woven by Alphonse Kar and Arabs inventor Mustafa Lutfi Manfalouti.
The official application of the Hungarian Reformed Church
এসো আরবী শিখি-Esho Arbi Shikhi
সহজে শিখি আরবী ভাষা - Learn Arabic Language in Easy Way