Plantid - Plant Identification
plant id by picture by plant identification application with plant recognition

BEPC eshikshakosh school monitoring app Bihar Easy School Tracking, DIVYA, KGBV

NCERT Book, Solution,SelfStudy
ncert books, ncert solution, state board books, state board solution, learncbse

Speak English with Loora AI
Practice English speaking daily with AI to reach fluency and build confidence.

AR Drawing Anime Sketch Trace
Drawing and Coloring Sketch Anime Character

Grade 12 Life Sciences
This app contains activities and NSC exam papers which makes learning more fun.

CNC Simulator Lite
A software simulator of a CNC lathe with standard GM code.

kitUP: Audiobook Summaries
Fiction, psychology, history... Trendy bestsellers books, audibles and summaries

Madrasetna Plus
Educational platform that contains all the content of Madrasetna TV channels

Lingopanda: Speak English
Speak & Learn English with conversational videos by native speakers

Єдина Школа
The only school is designed to interact between parents and the institution.

Skoove: Learn Piano
Unlock the magic of playing piano with Skoove’s interactive piano lessons.

Design and simulate electrical diagrams

Korean Eps-Topik Book
Hello User This Korean Eps-Topik Book ( Self-Study Textbook)

Padhanisa: Learn to Sing
AI Powered Music Learning App. Learn to sing, Master Concepts & Vocal Technique