
Star Chart
The magical augmented reality star gazing and astronomy app.

Dich tieng Anh - Dich hinh anh
TFlat translate. English Vietnamese dictionary offline. Dich tieng Anh chuan.

Solve questions, get weekly schedules with Morshed, watch video lessons & more

تعلم اللغة الانجليزية من الصفر
Learn English easily from scratch to become a professional on The American English

With ScratchJr, young children (ages 5+) can learn to code -- and code to learn!

ANTON: Learn & Teach Ages 3-14
Math, English, Science, History, Music and Languages, Learn-to-read

Uknow.AI: Homework&Math Solver
Unlimited ask AI tutor for all subjects. Snap and Solve math.

PlantIn Plant Identifier, Care
Identify Plants, Flowers, Trees: Disease Diagnosis & Plant Identification App

PRONOTE A complete work environment for the management of student administration

British Council EnglishScore
EnglishScore is British Council’s English test and certificate for employment.

Falou - Fast language learning
Want to learn English? Learn French or learn Spanish? Learn 20+ languages!

Careerwill App
Online Prep. App of UPSC, SSC, Bank, Railway, C-TET & Other State Exams

Госуслуги Культура
Issue of the Pushkin card and purchase of tickets for cultural events

Pydroid 3 - IDE for Python 3
Learn Python 3 with the most powerful Python 3 interpreter & IDE on Google Play

Blackboard offers a modern and delightful mobile learning experience.