Food & Drink

То-То пицца
Application for an order of pizza-so in your city!

A&W Malaysia
A&W Food Ordering App in Malaysia

Discover. Create. Plate.

Пицца Синица
Pizza Titmouse - hot pizza in 30 minutes
You can earn income by providing delivery services for HungryPanda users.

H by Omar
Pastry Hachicha by Omar

Фишка Суши
The Sushi feature is not just rolls!

Mythings - أشيائي
Anything you want in just one application
Welcome to BlinBerry in Dubai! Get the 6'th coffee and the 6'th crêpe for free.

ЯМИГОМ - доставка продуктов
Grocery delivery from 20 minutes!

Pizza Express 24 is a fairly young but growing pizza chain
DANBRO by Mr Brown bakery
Mr. Brown is committed to provide best and innovative range of bakery products.

Mercado Diferente | Orgânicos
Receive 100% organic and healthy food in your home! Affordable and practical!

Фокс Pizza
Fox pizza - delivery of delicious pizza in less than an hour or pizza as a gift!

Шефмаркет: продукты и рецепты
Shefmarket is the No. 1 food delivery service with recipes in Russia since 2012