一撃くん - ボートレース穴予想特化AI
"Ichigekun" is an AI that specializes in predicting holes in boat races, and is an app that provides information, predictions, results, etc. for all 24 races nationwide. This is the perfect tool for those aiming for high dividends!
App - PanChants
Discover the sports experience with AR, VR and MR!
MyCampy 3.0
SHIFT INTO A NEW DIMENSION with the MyCampy 3.0 app
GolfCaddie - Golf GPS
Trust your Caddie

O Mobile
O Mobile, add-on for Olympic Software (
SailPro for Yacht Racing
Advanced Yacht Racing and Sailing App!
Команда Первых
Fitness club in Korolev
NHL Hockey
Track hockey stats, analyze trends, dominate the rink.
Valverde Fitness App
Velverde Fitness App
DexBee TV
Displaying workouts in the gym on a TV or tablet screen.
Koach Hub
Koach Hub - Plan, Manage, Analyse & Share your clubs' content in one place.
Beton - football predictions.
developed application to establish facilities to aeromodelistas.
Life Fitness
For active residents of the capital